Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My First Gathering

Mummy brought me to Auntie Katie's house to meet other November mummies & babies today. There are 2 firsts - first time Mummy brought me out alone & first time I went out to meet other babies. Mummy had a good time munching the goodies & chit-chatting with the mummies. I don't really know how to "talk" to other babies yet so I just lazed around. It was fun but I was so tired after that.

My first "girlfriend" - Auntie Grace's Ashlyn

Auntie Katie's Luis: Look! There's something interesting up there.
Jovan: I'm not interested. Where's Ashlyn?

Jovan: I want Mummy!
Auntie Sally's Mischa: Hey! Don't cry. I can play with you.

My Baby Friends.
Can you spot me?

So tired. ZZZzzzz

Time for photo-taking

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