Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cough & Cold

I am down with cough & cold. I had to be put on the nebuliser for 3 days. Daddy & Mummy felt heartpain but I am enjoying myself.


Daddy, what is this??

Mummy caught me crossing my leg while we were waiting for my turn to go into the nebuliser room.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Feverish yet Cheeky

I had fever after my 2nd 6-in-1 jab yesterday. So I am quarantined at home. But I kept myself very busy, one hand holding Pinkie & the other hand hitting the Cola plastic bag.


Mummy thinks I need more rest but I feel more playful than sleepy. hehe

Friday, March 21, 2008


I can roll back from tummy to back from my left. Too bad Mummy & Daddy did not manage to catch it on camera. My doctor thinks I am quite advanced for my age.

Age: 4 Months Old

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hair-cut Day

Ah Ma said there's an old belief that babies must shave off their baby hair before they can enter any Buddhist temple. Besides my hair kept dropping all over the place. So here I am, waiting for my turn to be shaved. Daddy & Mummy had their hair trimmed as well.


I dun like the botak me. I was very angry when I saw myself in the mirror.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Four Months Old

Wow... I achieved so many milestones at four months old:-
Rolls over, from back to tummy
Does mini-pushup
Can grasp a toy
Mouths objects
• Laughs
• Coos when someone talks to me
• Can bear weight on legs
• Turns toward loud sounds
• Can bring hands together, bats at toys



Saturday, March 8, 2008

My New Teether

Mummy got this teether (with recommendations from Nov mummies) for me coz I was drooling & mouthing everything.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Naked Truth

Mummy wanted to catch me unaware. Luckily, I was fast enough to cover my "vital organ" with my thunder thighs. hehehe


Some people think Mummy's next baby (i.e. my younger sibling) is going to be a boy coz I have only 1 line on my thigh & my nipples are not inverted. Mummy is very sad coz she wants a Mei Mei for me.